By: Joa q uim Sa p a lo Ca stilho Ca cumba ISCED-HUÃLA - Angola , 2010 1. upb ringing: individual transformation in the triple find: knowledge, competencies or habilities, attitudes (António Nóvoa, 1988), character and values; genteelness is the almost powerful weapon you can use to change the world. [Nelson Mandela] Education: a process by which society deliberately transmits its identify in knowledge, values, sk hardships, beliefs, behaviour, and attitudes from one generation to another through institutions; 2. purification: maturation of the intellect through training or learning; we say A is cultured but B is ignorant. discernment resulting from such training or education. 3. Cha ra cter: Consistenc y b etw een w ha t you sa y you w ill d o a nd w ha t you a ctua lly do; Defines, b uild s, or b rea ks your rep uta tion; It is w ho you a re a nd w ha t you d o w hen no one is face . sixer pilla rs of cha ra cter: trustw orthiness, resp ec t, resp ons ib ility, fa irness, c a ring , a nd c itizenship . 4. Ethics: Are the should a nd oug ht of life; Define m ora l put hts a nd w rong s of p rofessio ns; The rules or sta nda rds regime the conduct of a p erson or the m em b ers of a p rofession. Tra nsc end c ulture, heathenish ity, a nd a re releva nt to a ll soc ioec onom ic c ond itions 5.
Va lue: rule b y w hic h w e m a ke d ec isions a b out gear upht a nd wrong, should a nd shouldnt, g ood a nd b a d . They c a n b e sta ted (w ha t w e sa y) a nd op era tiona l (w ha t w e d o). Wha t is w rong is w rong , thus far if everyone is d oing it. Rig ht is still rig ht, even if n o one else is d oing it. - [Willia m Penn] 6! . Mora ls: bring ed on funda menta l principles of right conduct ra ther tha n ramification a lities. We jud g e others m ore strong ly on m ora ls tha n va lues; Mora ls a re a lw a ys the sa m e. Im m ora lity va ries from g enera tion to g enera tion. 7. Virtue is a good ha bit consona nt with our na ture. [Augustine] the exc ellenc e of...If you wishing to get a full essay, station it on our website:
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